Download PDF The FALL of Babylon the Great America Revised 2017 (Bible Prophecy Revealed Book 3)

[Free PDF.k8QL] The FALL of Babylon the Great America Revised 2017 (Bible Prophecy Revealed Book 3)

[Free PDF.k8QL] The FALL of Babylon the Great America Revised 2017 (Bible Prophecy Revealed Book 3)

[Free PDF.k8QL] The FALL of Babylon the Great America Revised 2017 (Bible Prophecy Revealed Book 3)

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[Free PDF.k8QL] The FALL of Babylon the Great America Revised 2017 (Bible Prophecy Revealed Book 3)

If you are looking for an analysis of Babylon the Great, to determine if it might be the United States of America, then this book is for you. (Revised February 22, 2017)One of the most difficult things I had to do in order to correctly interpret Bible prophecy, was come to the realization that America is Babylon the Great (BTG). I did not want to believe it. But after years of study, the evidence forced me to that conclusion. Then I realized, that most nations of the world will suffer great destruction to one degree or another, based on their sins. So America will also suffer for its sinfulness.I also came to understand that Babylon the Great (BTG) is not all of America, it is ONLY wicked America. God will destroy wicked America, but he will save a righteous remnant from those who do not go in the Rapture, to rebuild the nation.During the past 10 years I saw such great decline in America, that I can now see why America will be destroyed, and also why it must be destroyed.But America will NOT be destroyed before the start of the Great Tribulation (GT), which is so often claimed, but will only be wounded at the start of the GT, but will be nuked and then invaded at the end of the GT. The nuclear war and invasion of America are the last acts of the beast (a Revised Islamic Empire) and its allies (Russia and China and North Korea), in its attempt to totally destroy Christianity and the Christians in America. Then Christ returns to save the world by destroying the evil that is taking over the world.Many people misinterpret Babylon the Great (BTG) harlot, prostitute, in Revelation 17 and 18. She has been interpreted to be, the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, Jerusalem, Islam, Saudi Arabia, and who knows what else.I will provide a mountain of evidence and explain in detail how America is political Babylon, which is the government of the United States of America; cultural Babylon, which is the polluted culture of America that is formed by movies, TV, and music; and economic Babylon, that is capitalism which is headquartered in America; America being the premier capitalist nation in the world. If Babylon is also a city, then it is New York City.Like my other two books on Bible prophecy, there is a lot of new insights in this book that are not found in any other book on Babylon the Great and America. I also discuss the Old Testament references to an end-time Babylon, which is not a rebuilt city in Iraq, but can only be the same as Mystery Babylon in Revelation.And I will discuss the founding of America, how it was founded with a de facto covenant with God (de facto means being in effect though not formally recognized). But America also is chosen of God because it was one of the nations that God promised to Abraham. Yes, God promised Abraham more than one nation! It is likely the main reason that America became the greatest and most powerful nation the world has ever seen.I also show how America will be split into three parts by a huge global earthquake (Rev. 16) after it betrays Israel. One split will be along the Mississippi River, the other in California.This book also includes a discussion of Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38, which gives us details for two wars, not just one. One will be an invasion of Israel; the other will be an invasion of America.In the appendix I discuss the misinterpretation of Walid Shoebat, showing that his view of BTG being Saudi Arabia is grossly wrong.This is Book 3 of the Bible Prophecy Revealed series, which is a complete teaching on Bible prophecy. If you liked the other two books, you will like this one. (This is edition 1.75 with some slight improvements.) (Book 4 is now available). The Book of Enoch and Bible prophecy - The Prophetic Years The Book of Enoch and Bible prophecy Should the book about fallen angels be taken seriously? Are we open to deception from a staged alien event? 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